Sunday, July 14, 2013

Are We There Yet?

When I was just beginning my career, we young artists could only dream about the kind of jobs we'd love to have as soon as we had the experience.  The older artists had been through it all - they knew the secrets and had the hard won, long time coming Skills and Experience.  They were hired for the wonderful, life changing jobs but we knew our turns would come.

I worked hard, learned all about color separation, setting type on big complicated machines, learned that
the camera wouldn't pick up blue pencil lines and that if I messed up I had to start over.  I finally reached that place in my career where I knew I was  the one with the experience and knowledge. Things were  going well.  But wait-- What do you mean it's all done on the computer now, I need a program for what- - - what are programs?  Where do I learn all this?   What just happened here, how come now it's the young artists with the skills who get the great jobs?

Oh well, at least I don't have to relearn everything and get a job.  I can still do art work using my old paint brushes and pens.   And some people are amazed that there are actually people out there who can still do that.

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